Enhance Company Culture

Unlock your people’s potential for long-term success when you invest in building a caring company culture.

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Where care meets courage—transforming your people from the inside out.

As a visionary leader, you understand that your organization’s culture is a direct reflection of your leadership. Building company culture requires more than just implementing new initiatives or programs. It demands that you, as a leader, are willing to grow and change just as you are asking your people to grow and change.

At Round Table Companies, we’ve witnessed the profound impact when a leader leans into their courage and answers the call to reshape their culture. We’ve seen how employee engagement increases, employee satisfaction skyrockets, and more open, honest, and effective communication takes hold.

The secret to building corporate culture comes down to this one little phrase: People who feel cared for simply perform better.

A great company culture starts with care.

Through our CARES program, we specialize in creating a caring company culture in the workplace. As a company who’s been championing deeper connections, authentic voices, and safe spaces for over 20 years, our expertise ranges far and wide in helping leaders and their people overcome those limiting stories they can tell themselves and embrace their higher calling for contributing to the world through their work.

We support employees and leaders in learning how to

  • lead with trust and respect,

  • establish psychological safety,

  • communicate more openly and honestly,

  • hold each other accountable for successes,

  • deepen the connection between teams and departments,

  • and more!

Our story has humble beginnings. We started out as a writing company in 2005 and then book publisher in 2008, before quickly becoming champions of psychological safety and advocates for the resulting freedom and innovation that comes with sharing vulnerably. In our continued evolution, we’ve discovered the key ingredients human beings need to feel heard, seen, and empowered to bring themselves more fully into the workplace. We’ve worked with countless CEOs, thought leaders, and organizations in the conscious business community who were all hungry for the same outcome: to awaken themselves and their people to feeling most alive and contributing from that energetic place.

“I find the work to be incredibly challenging, which is what makes it so rewarding for me and my team.”

Kirk Zehnder
CEO, Earnest Machine

The Benefits of Investing in Your Culture

Building culture at work is not just a feel-good initiative; it’s a strategic imperative that unlocks the full potential of your people and your business.

When you prioritize a caring culture, you create a ripple effect of benefits that touch every aspect of your organization:

  • 1

    Increased performance.

    Employees who feel their organization cares strongly about their well-being are three times more likely to be engaged1 at work. When your people feel a deep sense of connection to your culture, they are more likely to go above and beyond, deliver exceptional results, and drive your business forward.

  • 2

    Greater risk-taking and innovation.

    By creating an environment where your people feel psychologically safe enough to express their ideas, challenge assumptions, and experiment with new approaches, you tap into the collective genius of your people and position your organization for long-term success. McKinsey and Co. research shows that only 11 percent of companies with high-fear cultures are leading innovators versus 58 percent of companies with low-fear cultures.2

  • 3

    Increased employee satisfaction.

    Employee satisfaction leads to increased productivity; Slack’s State of Work report states 82 percent of employees say that feeling happy and engaged at work is a key driver of their productivity.3 When your people feel valued, supported, and empowered to grow, they are more likely to find meaning at work and contribute to a positive culture.

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Employees Find Safety in the Storm of Change During a $20 Million Acquisition

For more insights into how we help enhance company culture, read our latest case study.

When Leaders Neglect Building Company Culture

Within any great adventure story, the main character often initially resists the call to embark on a transformative journey. It’s a natural human tendency to cling to the familiar, even when we know in our bones that some kind of change is necessary to get where we want to go. Intentionally stepping into our own evolution can be scary, as doing so challenges us to leave behind our comfort zone and embrace the unknown.

The same principle applies to building a workplace culture that is transformative. As a leader, you may feel hesitant to invest time and resources into something that doesn’t immediately yield tangible results. You may fear that focusing on culture will distract you from the “real work” of running your business.

But just like the hero who cannot resist the call to adventure forever, embracing the challenge of building a caring, psychologically safe culture is an essential part of up-leveling your and your company’s higher purposes.

If you consider yourself a conscious leader, neglecting to enhance your culture can present severe consequences, likely to impact every aspect of your business. When you fail to prioritize building a culture that engages, inspires, and supports every one of your people, you risk low engagement and active disengagement throughout the organization, which leads to

  • higher absenteeism,

  • more accidents,

  • more errors and defects,

  • lower productivity,

  • lower profitability,

  • lower job growth, and

  • lower share price over time.4

Investing in your culture is well worth the undertaking. A caring culture sets the foundation for long-term success and sustainability by helping you attract and retain top talent, foster innovation and creativity, and build the kind of reputation that can act as a beacon to attract more of your most ideal stakeholders.

I have heard nothing but raves for you and where you took us. I am so proud to be part of an organization that chooses to do this work with you.

Jackie Dryden 
Jackie Dryden 
Chief Purpose Architect, Savage Brands

It’s time to answer the call to adventure and unlock the potential of your people and your business.

At Round Table Companies, we believe that every organization has the potential to create a thriving, purpose-driven culture that brings out the best in their people.

When you choose to build a caring culture, you create a foundation of adaptability and resilience. Your people are more willingly tap into innovation, growth, and yes, courage. You attract and retain top talent, foster psychological safety and risk-taking, and create a workplace where your people are inspired to make a difference rather than waiting to punch out.

Through our training programs and consulting services, we help you unlock that potential by equipping you and your people with the tools, insights, and support you need to build a culture of care, trust, and empowerment that transforms your business from the inside out.

Ready to transform your company culture?

1. Jim Harter, “Leaders: Ignore Employee Wellbeing At Your Own Risk,” Gallup, July 6, 2023, https://www.gallup.com/workplace/507974/leaders-ignore-employee-wellbeing-own-risk.aspx.

2. Laura Furstenthal, Alex Morris, and Erik Roth, “Fear Factor: Overcoming Human Barriers to Innovation,” McKinsey & Company, June 3, 2022, https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/strategy-and-corporate-finance/our-insights/fear-factor-overcoming-human-barriers-to-innovation.

3. “The State of Work in 2023,” Slack, June 23, 2023, https://slack.com/intl/en-gb/blog/news/state-of-work-2023.

4. Emma Seppälä and Kim Cameron, “Proof That Positive Work Cultures Are More Productive,” Harvard Business Review, December 01, 2015, https://hbr.org/2015/12/proof-that-positive-work-cultures-are-more-productive.