Build High-Performance Teams

Revolutionize company culture by investing in high-performance teams, where trust-building, accountability, and vulnerability combine to create a powerhouse of innovation and engagement.

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Reach the summit with high-functioning teams.

Imagine a team of explorers, setting out to conquer uncharted territory. Each member brings unique skills and perspectives, but without trust, vulnerability, and genuine connection, they stumble and fall, unable to navigate the challenges ahead.

Now picture a different team, one where each explorer feels safe to face their fears, asks for help when struggling, and innovates their way through challenges. They move in synergy, supporting each other through treacherous terrain, celebrating each others’ strengths and accomplishments, and reaching heights together they never thought possible.

Which team would you rather lead?

At Round Table Companies (RTC), we believe that building high-performance teams is like equipping a group of explorers for a challenging yet rewarding summit. It’s about fostering a culture of trust, vulnerability, and genuine human connection that allows each team member to bring their full selves to the table and contribute their unique gifts from that deeper, more authentic place.

Through our immersive training and development programs, we help your teams

  • discover their shared purpose and values,

  • build deep connections and trust with each other,

  • develop the skills and mindsets needed for high performance,

  • create a culture of psychological safety and open communication, and

  • align their actions with the organization’s goals and values.

If you want to break the chains that keep you thinking in the same old way, you have to do something different. This is something different.

Robin Parker Meredith
Robin Parker Meredith
Executive Coach, Stagen Leadership Academy, on RTC's Connecting on Purpose Course (Formerly Unearth)

Leading high-performance teams necessitates honoring their humanity.

The success of your organization depends on the strength and cohesion of the individuals within it. Our unique approach to fostering high-functioning teams revolves around five key drivers that empower the people who power your company:

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Trust Building

Our educational programming constantly leans on three essential pillars for mastering trust and deepening psychological safety: learning how to remain fully present, approaching interactions with less judgment and more curiosity, and recognizing that people are not problems to be solved, but creators to be empowered.

Accountability and Support

Our educational content emphasizes the importance of each person being accountable for their own individual development, while the structure of our programming ensures that nobody walks this path of growth alone. By cultivating a culture where team members push themselves alongside one another, we create the kind of awe among teams that can be leveraged to break through obstacles, setting a strong foundation for leading high-performance teams.


At RTC, our unique approach to vulnerability begins with creating a psychologically safe pool for people to dive into. We promote facilitated vulnerable experiences as a means to create profound emotional bonds and increase employees’ sense of belonging. When team members share what they are carrying around in their emotional backpacks, they build deeper connections and a sense of community that fuels collaboration and innovation.

Psychological Safety

We specialize in creating safe containers for team members to better understand themselves, explore new listening techniques, and practice using their voices to greater effect. For leaders of a high-performance team, we advocate and support leadership in courageously going first and leading by example, which helps team members to feel secure and inspires them to share authentically without fear of rejection or humiliation.

Reframing Stories

All of our programming is steeped in the power of story as a vehicle to drive employees’ behaviors and therefore their performance outcomes. By helping reframe the stories being told throughout your organization—at the individual, team, departmental, and company-wide levels—we empower your people to see the best in themselves and one another, to reach for the kinder story in any challenging situation, and to extend others the benefit of the doubt. As a result, teams become more understanding and less judgmental, fostering trust and a more positive and supportive atmosphere where success is achieved together.


The Benefits of Building High-Performing Teams

Strategically investing in building high-performance teams leads to stunning benefits for your organization, including these:

  • 1

    Increased productivity

    High-functioning teams are more efficient and effective in their work. A Gallup survey found that companies with highly engaged employees (a key characteristic of high-performance teams) see a 23 percent difference in profitability than their peers.1

  • 2

    Enhanced innovation

    When team members feel psychologically safe and trust each other, they are more likely to share ideas, take risks, and push boundaries. A study by Google found that psychological safety was the most important factor in determining team success and innovation.2

  • 3

    Improved employee retention

    Employees who feel a strong sense of connection and purpose within their team are more likely to stay with the organization. A study by Gallup found that highly engaged teams have 59 percent less turnover than disengaged teams.3

  • 4

    Greater customer satisfaction

    High-performance teams are better equipped to understand and meet the needs of their customers. A study by Gallup found that companies with highly engaged employees have 10 percent higher customer ratings than those with disengaged employees.4

Support team

Transform your teams and unleash their full potential.

At RTC, we understand that building high-performance teams is not just about bringing together the most talented individuals; it’s about creating an environment where every single team member does not feel left behind, but championed to thrive, contribute, and grow.

By focusing on those critical areas of building a high-functioning team, we help teams develop the resilience, adaptability, and cohesion needed to navigate the complex landscape of business.

When you foster a culture of trust, psychological safety, and shared purpose, your teams are able to achieve extraordinary results.


Ready to build high-performance teams that drive extraordinary results?

1. Jim Harter, “Employee Engagement vs. Employee Satisfaction and Organizational Culture,” Gallup, April 12, 2017,

2. Natasha Tamiru, “Team Dynamics: Five Keys to Building Effective Teams,” Think with Google, June, 2023,

3. “What Is Employee Engagement and How Do You Improve It?,” Gallup,

4. “The Relationship between Engagement at Work and Organizational Outcomes 2020 Q12® Meta-Analysis: 10th Edition,” Gallup,