Team-Building Reset and Empowerment Retreat

Shift your people from complaint to empowerment with our team-building experiences.

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Move from complaint to commitment with business team building

Likely, if you’re reading this page, you are someone who cares deeply about your company, your people, and everyone’s success. You are a visionary, looking out at a horizon of possibility. But you also might be ready to admit that you aren’t having as much fun as you used to.

Growing your business has hit a new inflection point that has you feeling stuck, and your people don’t seem to be showing up inspired and ready to win in new ways. What if we told you that you could reset your team, get them unstuck, and experience empowerment in just 48 hours?

Experience breakthrough at a team retreat

As a leader, you set the tone for how your people speak to and treat one another. If you are feeling stuck, your team is feeling stuck. If you are feeling frustrated, your team is feeling frustrated. It’s time to see and hear each other differently. It’s time for everyone to let go of their grievances, move past their frustrations, and learn to trust one another again. It’s time for your business to experience team-building like never before.

The retreat was a great experience for our team.

Thank you very much for listening to me and guiding us in a new direction.

I really needed this.

What is a team reset and empowerment retreat?

Our business team building reset and empowerment retreat is a chance for you and your team to break away from the office and receive the necessary breathing room to reconnect as human beings, reclaim your creativity and innovation, lean in with grace and compassion, and return to play together. We facilitate an in-person, corporate bonding experience for you and your team to relate to one another differently in a psychologically safe space.

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Why do teams need a reset?

Rarely do we connect on a deeply human level while at work. Instead, we pretend we’re okay so others can pretend they are okay, so that we can all get to the end of the day and go home. But this pretending allows for pockets of air that get filled with unspoken stories—what annoys us, which processes are failing, who gets special privileges and who doesn’t, and so on.

These stories build up and fill the workplace with drama and toxicity. The more drama, the more people isolate, fall into paralysis, attempt to overly control, or let their intense emotions out onto other stakeholders, which causes lower performance, less engagement, a decline in team bonding, and a decrease in passion for the work.

A team retreat offers everyone the opportunity to revise the stories driving people’s behaviors and to commit to a shared story that balances accountability and care, so the team can once again row in the same direction.

“I am so very thankful that our leadership recognized the healing and culture shift that was needed. I have grown so much personally and have seen the same impact on others here.”

What does a team empowerment retreat look like?

Below is a typical schedule of our in-person team-building events. Please note we spread out this experience over three days to take travel times into consideration.

Evening Session Full-Day Session Morning Session

5 p.m. Welcoming activity

5:30 p.m. Vulnerability exercise

7 p.m. Break for dinner

8 p.m. Letting go of grievances

9 p.m. Wrap-up

8 a.m. Common ground

12 p.m. Break for lunch

2 p.m. Supporting myself and others

5 p.m. Break for dinner

7 p.m. Vulnerability exercise

9 p.m. Wrap-up

8 a.m. Accountability and care

12 p.m. Closing experience / Wrap-up

Ideal size for this type of retreat: A team or department ranging between 5 and 20 members.

Pricing of retreats includes the facilitation and travel expenses for the facilitation team. The booking of a venue, rooms for attendees, and meals for the group are the responsibility of the client.

Support team

Meet Your Facilitator

Corey has spent two decades at the intersection of leadership, psychology, and storytelling. As the fractional chief culture officer for Earnest Machine and an adjunct faculty member and coach in Stagen Leadership Academy’s Advanced Leadership Program (ALP), his current passion is transforming company cultures and inspiring authentic employee engagement. Corey’s work as a storyteller, book publisher, and creative thought leader has been quoted or featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal (cover story), USA Today, and Inc., Forbes, and Wired magazines and has garnered dozens of awards. His TEDx talk from 2016 is aptly titled “Vulnerability is Sexy.”


Experience business team building like never before.

Fill out this simple contact form and we will be in touch with more information on how to help support your team in moving forward.