Vulnerability is Sexy 
The Game

We believe everyone has a story to share, and our stories—the proud ones and the not-so-proud ones—are what make us beautiful. That’s why we created Vulnerability is Sexy, a card game that helps players reveal their true selves and give each other some of life’s most beautiful gifts: time, truth, and connection.

Vulnerability is Sexy Game

There’s a wonderful community-building card game called ‘Vulnerability is Sexy’ which tees up interesting questions to break the ice and go deeper with one another.

Radha Agrawal
Radha Agrawal
Cofounder and CEO of Daybreaker, cofounder of Thinx, and author of Belong: Find Your People, Create Community, and Live a More Connected Life

About Vulnerability is Sexy

How to Play

Ready to create deeper connection? Let’s dive into why we created this game and how to get started!

The Game in Action

Experience the magic of connection. Vulnerability is sexy and so are you.


More about Vulnerability is Sexy

Featured in the Book Belong by Radha Agrawal, the cofounder and CEO of Daybreaker, and the cofounder of Thinx

“There’s a wonderful community-building card game called ‘Vulnerability is Sexy’ which tees up interesting questions to break the ice and go deeper with one another.” Buy the Book

Belong Book Cover

Played at numerous Conscious Capitalism events

Including the CEO Summit, the spring event, and chapter events.

VIS Game Play 2

Played at the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) Summit event

Bestselling author John Ruhlin answers a Vulnerability is Sexy question while Scott Gerber, the founder of YEC, and Zach Obront, cofounder of Scribe Media, listen.

Game Play 2 YEC

Featured in Inc. magazine

“I’ve played Vulnerability Is Sexy with my team and during workshops, and I’m always surprised by how quickly most people shake off their skepticism and get involved. The game can become a bit addictive . . .” Read More

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Featured in the Chicago Tribune

“I decided to play Vulnerability Is Sexy with my pre-teenage daughter and teenage son during dinner a few nights ago. After initially hearing, ‘Mom, why are you making us do this?’ several times, both ended up enjoying the experience and so did I. The game fostered lots of sentimental memories, giggling and laughter, and also sparked special conversations that would not have otherwise taken place.” Read More

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