3 Ways to Publish Your Book

Learn more about Traditional Book Publishing, Hybrid or Partner Publishing, and Self-Publishing. We can help you make the decision and be successful with any of these options. Use our decision guide to help choose what is best for you.

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What is the best book publishing method for you?

3 Ways to Publish Your Book

Once you’ve made the exciting decision to write a book and share a part of your story with the world, you will face a new set of options. Whether you are looking to share your life story, write that business book, or fulfill that lifelong dream of inspiring a new generation of entrepreneurs, the publishing of your book can be introduced to the world by a few different paths

  1. Traditional Publishing,
  2. Self-Publishing, or
  3. Partner Publishing, like RTC Signature Publishing.
Large historic building in Valencia, Spain

1. How to publish your book with Traditional Publishing

Best option for: Patient writers with completed manuscripts who are less concerned with control and ownership of their work and more in favor of offsetting the cost of publishing and marketing.

When you publish your book using traditional publishing methods, you must pitch your work to the publishing house by submitting a book proposal or manuscript. It is best to have a book or literary agent to have access to traditional publishing houses. While this sounds like a long and anxiety-filled process, this traditional publishing route has the publisher assume all costs and pay you an advance, or a signing bonus, once they purchase your manuscript. While garnering an advance may seem like you have hit pay dirt, the advance is actually paid against future royalty earnings. In other words, whatever you are paid in advance you must earn from the sale of your book before you start receiving any additional royalty payments. Most of the time, the marketing and promotion of your book are also supported by the publishing house.

There are a few downsides to traditional publishing. The process is lengthy, and it will take more time to have the book in your hand from start to finish. You have to find an agent first, then sell the manuscript, and then the manuscript must be approved by the sales team. Your earnings from royalties will not be as much because you must pay a percentage to your agent and, of course, to the publishing house itself. The last downside is your creative freedom: the way the story is told and presented to the audience is at the mercy of the publishing house.

Self Publish Blocks

2. How to publish your book with Self Publishing

Best option for: Writers who have and want complete control and responsibility for every aspect of their book and have the resources to get it done all on their own.

When you publish your book using a self-publishing method, this path offers the greatest control over your book. You are paid more of your royalties since you are the owner and your book is your product—you keep more of what you sell. Further, you have complete creative control, and the timeline from beginning to end is in your hands.

However, making this choice also means carrying the full burden of bringing your book to life, from writing and editing to cover design, distribution, and marketing efforts. Do you have graphic designers on your phone’s contact list? Is googling editors and vetting them to find the right fit for your project appealing to you? Having a professional set of eyes to look over what you have written will offer new insights on what works and what doesn’t in your manuscript. If you want a professional review of your manuscript, you will need to pay for it. It is the same with editing and proofreading. Unless you have a family member who does this professionally, you will need to have access to resources, which means it will take hours out of your day to find and pay quality people to help you. Be sure that you have the time to outsource an editor, a proofreader, a graphic artist for cover design, and marketing help, and be sure they will do a professional job.

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3. How to publish your book with Partner Publishing, like RTC’s Signature Publishing

Best option for: Writers who have and want to collaborate with a team to pursue writing and publishing their book.

Bridging between Traditional Publishing and Self Publishing, there are newer options for writers. While Hybrid Publishing is closer to Traditional Publishing for books (according to the IBPA), Partner Publishing bridges between Traditional and Self Publishing. There may be differences in the way that different companies provide Partner Publishing services that can impact your requirements, your level of involvement, and even your royalties.

At Round Table Companies, our RTC Signature Publishing is a one-stop-shop writing-packaging-publishing experience. Our services are also available a la carte for those writers who have more specific needs.

In this full-service option, the services are provided based on what you need to write, package, publish, and promote your book. You are part of a collaborative team, helping to write and edit your book, wherein you have full creative control in how the story is being told. Your partner team will take you through the book development process step by step, collaborating with you, and having candid, open conversations that lead to the most engaging and meaningful narrative. Plus, with partner publishing, you typically earn higher royalties compared to traditional publishing.

This choice will require you to pay up-front costs. You must also be careful about which partner publisher you choose. Make sure they offer client advocacy, and that they pair you up with a team of professionals based on your style and preferences.

Deciding How to Publish Your Book

We can help you make the decision that will work best for your style and preferences.

RTC is ready to support you in publishing your book!